Plan A Visit

kevin-adams Kevin Adams, M.A.
Assistant Dean for Marketing and Student Services  
School of Communication
Phone: 713-313-7408

Hello Prospective Tigers and Friends,

Thanks for your interest in the School of Communication (SOC).

The SOC was established in 1975 and is one of the oldest communication programs among the nation's HBCUs and the first in Houston. 

Today, the SOC has transformed into an interdisciplinary academic school with four departments and two graduate programs: Communication Studies (COMM); Entertainment Recording Industry Management (ERIM); Journalism (JOUR); Radio, Television, and Film (RTF); and Master of Arts in Communication (MA) and Master of Arts in Professional Communication and Digital Media (PCDM).

Are you or your organization planning to visit?

Prospective students can arrange for a campus visit. For a general tour of the campus and complete admissions and financial aid information, please use the following link:

TSU Campus Tour

For a tour of the School of Communication facilities, contact me directly via email:

School of Communication Tour


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Kevin Adams